Robot Swing is a Taiwanese indie band based in taipei, consisting of Chao Cheng(kb.), Wei-Nong(guitar.), Egghead(bass.),and Ming(drum.),their style is a mixture of modern r&b, 90’s funky vibes, and just the right amount of jazziness.  
Formed in 2020 ,they are now in production of their first album,which is planned to be released in the spring of 2022.

Visual Designer / Photographer: Tzu-An, Tsai
Logo Designer: Yu-Pu, Pon
Art director: Hsun-Hui, Wang & Ling-Chieh, Meng
Special Thanks: 窗想影像設計、Lilian Liu、陳昱瑋、黃健哲、張子祥、程鼎暘、陳蓉、鄭宜旻、Ping Tsai、劉耘桑、Pin Chiang、Hsiu Lin

Hello World, Robot Swing(2021)